Monday, December 7, 2009

Decemeber 7, 2009

I haven't found it in me to write in here everyday, because well, not much has changed. I am still in a lot of pain as usual. Last Thursday I made it to work, in pain, but was still able to make it in. We had our holiday party that night and we were given Friday off. Over the weekend a few sores began to swell again and I was unable to go into work again today. I currently can't wear normal clothes because my undergarments hurt. I've been trying to get my paperwork for FMLA updated for work because my frequency has gone up, and the office has been less than helpful. I was told Friday that it would be faxed and today find out nothing has been done, over 72 business hours have passed and I'm losing faith in all of it. My hope is fading and it's getting harder and harder for me to even try and get out of bed each day. I'm so sick of feeling alone in this.